
The jungle book 1994
The jungle book 1994

the jungle book 1994

"The River" uses a slightly darker color palette in the final, whereas the prototype uses the same palette that's used in "Jungle By Day".For instance, their eyes are open in the prototype whereas they are closed in the final. The artwork for the Elephants in "The Dawn Patrol" are slightly different.The screen this occurs seems to only display properly for the first level, as every level after that is slightly corrupt. In the prototype, the bird that carrys Mowgli away will drop down the individual items that add to your score. The score tally at the end of each level is different in the prototype.In the prototype, every level ends with a bird carrying Mowgli away.The death screen that involves Mowgli being carried out in a stretcher is absent in the prototype.uses a brown color palette in the prototype, whereas the final uses a slighty grayer palette instead. For instance, the first level can only be completed by collecting the gem stones as Bagheera is completely absent from the level in the prototype. The goal of each level in the prototype is to collect gem stones.

the jungle book 1994

Instead, the prototype features rolling armadillos. The prototype lacks the warthog enemies that are present in the final.The cobras and flying birds have palette issues in the prototype.For instance, Mowgli has no voice samples yet and collecting gems plays a shrill FM sound effect instead. Most of the sound effects are not present in the prototype.There are no bosses in this version of the game yet.The Bare Necessities track that's used in each level uses slightly different instrumentation in comparison to the version used in the final game. The only two songs that seem to be present in the prototype are "Bare Necessities (Rag)" (used for the title screen) and Bare Necessities (for in levels).Finally, Mowgli's health meter is a long snake in the prototype where it slowly erases part of the icon that's used for his life count. The timer uses a different icon and is positioned at the top middle of the screen where it's in the bottom middle in the final. The icon for the gems is different and is located in the lower right hand corner of the screen instead of the upper right hand corner. The prototype doesn't keep track of the amount of bananas that Mowgli carries and seems to be unlimited in the prototype. Mowgli's life icon and counter are different and is displayed on the lower left corner of the screen instead of the upper right. The HUD is completely different in the prototype.Each level has significant layout differences.No storybook cutscenes are present in the prototype, although it appears that development has started on them as there is some related text inside the ROM.The prototype lacks the storybook level title cards and instead uses a basic card that uses the same background as the title screen instead.The title screen is missing company copyrights in the prototype, instead only saying "DEVELOPED BY EUROCOM WINTER CES DEMO".Stage 2 is not available at all in the prototype. The title screen offers a level select that allows you to play every level in the game except for stage 2.The title screen lacks an options/sound test menu, but it does seem that the game has one programmed.The prototype has a special Walt Disney logo screen that features Kaa and Mowgli that doesn't exist in the final.The intro cutscene doesn't exist in the prototype.The Virgin Interactive logo is different in the prototype, utilizing a VDP effect while the final uses a static logo.The prototype doesn't play "Intro Tune" either. There is no text only copyright/trademark screen in the prototype.In the final, there's a spring bounce sound effect that plays when Kaa moves up at the SEGA logo.There is currently no known way to have the debug menu to stay loaded. Upon starting the game, the debugging menu is loaded up for one frame before immediately being cleared for the SEGA logo.In the final, the game formally tells you that the cartridge was manufactured to work in certain regions. The prototype has a special region lock screen that flashes red when triggered, with a message programmed that reads "MOWGLI SAYS YOU ARE IN THE WRONG COUNTRY SORRY!".The game can be forced to play in NTSC mode, however. The ROM is 1Mbyte in size, whereas the final is 2MBytes in size.This prototype was featured at the Winter Consumer Electronic Show (WCES) in 1994, which was open to the public from January 6th to January 9th of that year.

The jungle book 1994